
刘培,男,1985年8月出生,河南许昌市人。博士,讲师。2013获得中国矿业大学博士学位,期间 2010-2012 国家留学基金委公派留学意大利帕维亚大学。

发表20多篇关于遥感分类和反演、遥感应用、模式识别的学术论文,其中SCI 2篇,EI 10余篇。





2014年1月-至今 河南理工大学讲师;



2002年9月 江苏师范大学(本科);
2006年9月 中国矿业大学摄影测量与遥感(硕博连读),导师:杜培军
2010年9月 University of Pavia (联合培养博士),导师:Paolo Gamba
2012年9月 留学归国,中国矿业大学;
2013年12月 中国矿业大学摄影测量与遥感博士毕业;
2014年7月 河南理工大学测绘科学与技术博士后流动站,导师:邹友峰


研究方向(Interested field)

  • 多源遥感影像融合、分类与地物识别
  • 遥感反演与应用
  • SAR影像地表沉陷监测


联系我(Contact me)

刘培, 博士, 摄影测量与遥感



Pei Liu is currently Lecturer of remote sensing group at Henan Polytechnic University, China. He received the bachelor degree in Surveying and Mapping Engineering from Jiangsu Normal University, in 2006 as an excellent graduate student, and the Ph.D. degree in ‘Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing’ from China University of Mining and Technology in 2013. From September 12th 2010 to September 12th 2012, he studies as a joint Ph.D. student in Telecommunication and Remote Sensing Lab, department of electronics, University of Pavia.

Pei Liu’s interesting research field is data fusion, urbanization and its environmental impacts, Land use/cover change, landscape research. He investigated two important subjects of remote sensing: land use/ cover change in urbanization progress and environmental impacts of urban heat island.


In the past three years, Pei Liu has published 16 research articles in international conferences and domestic journal, and some of them are shown as follows:

  1. 成晓倩, 王双亭, 刘培. 高校“互联网+工科专业课”的教学改革[J]. 测绘通报, 2018(9):144-147. (教改)
  2. Haifeng Sima, Pei Liu, Lanlan Liu, Aizhong Mi, and Jianfang Wang, “Sparse Representation Classification Based on Flexible Patches Sampling of Superpixels for Hyperspectral Images,” Mathematical Problems in Engineering, vol. 2018, Article ID 8264961, 10 pages, 2018.(SCI)
  3. Wang, H.; Sun, X.; Yang, L.; Zhao, M.; Lui, P.; Du, W. Aerosol retrieval algorithm based on adaptive land–atmospheric decoupling for polarized remote sensing over land surfaces. J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transf.2018, 219, 74–84. (SCI)
  4. 王涵, 杨磊库, 都伟冰, 刘培, 孙晓兵. 航空偏振遥感数据反演陆地上空气溶胶光学厚度[J]. 光谱学与光谱分析,2018,38(4): 1019-1024 (SCI)
  5. Liu, P.; Jia, S.; Han, R.; Zhang, H. Landscape Pattern and Ecological Security Assessment and Prediction Using Remote Sensing Approach. J. sensors2018 (SCI) (SCI)
  6. Han, R.; Liu, P.(corresponding author); Wang, H.; Yang, L.; Zhang, H.; Ma, C. An Improved Urban Mapping Strategy Based on Collaborative Processing of Optical and SAR Remotely Sensed Data. Math. Probl. Eng. 2017 (SCI)
  7. Liu, P.; Li, K.; Han, R.M.; Yang, Y.M.; Cheng, X.Q.; Ma, C. Landscape pattern change monitoring and predicting using remote sensing method — taking Jiaozuo as an example. In Proceedings of the Land Reclamation in Ecological Fragile Areas; Land Reclamation in Ecological Fragile Areas: Xi’An, 2017; pp. 159–162. (EI)
  8. Pei Liu; Shoujun, J. 基于GlobeLand 30数据和CA_Markov模型的郑州市2000-2020年地表覆盖变化特征及预测分析. 水土保持通报 2017, 37, 6.(CSCD)
  9. Wang, H.; Yang, L.; Deng, A.; Du, W.; Liu, P.; Sun, X. Remote sensing of aerosol optical depth using an airborne polarimeter over North China. Remote Sens. 2017, 9, 1–19.(SCI)
  10. 韩瑞梅; 刘培; 马超; 马超然 鄂尔多斯植被的NDVI3g动态及气候响应. 水土保持通报 2016, 36, 28–33 (CSCD).
  11. 刘培; 王光彦; 邹友峰; 韩瑞梅 遥感信息融合和分类器集成的地类高精度识别. 遥感信息 2016, 31, 116–121.(CSCD核心库)
  12. Liu, P.; Zou, Y.F.; Ma, C.; Han, R.M. Using Optical and SAR Satellite Data to Classify Land Use and Land Cover ( LULC ) of Mining Area. In Proceedings of the ISM,2016, pp. 263–266.
  13. Liu Pei , Du Peijun, ect. Modeling Spatial and Temporal Change of Soil Erosion Based on Multi-temporal Remotely Sensed Data, Sciences in Cold and Arid Regions, 2015, 7(6): 0702 - 0708 ( CSCD核心库 ).
  14. 韩瑞梅; 杨晓; 刘培(通讯) Land Cover Identification Based on Optical and SAR Remotely Sensed Data Fusion. 红外技术 2015, 37, 949–956.
  15. Liu, P.; Han, R.; Wang, S. Monitoring, analyzing and simulating of spatial-temporal changes of landscape pattern over mining area BT - Multispectral, Hyperspectral, and Ultraspectral Remote Sensing Technology, Techniques and Applications V, October 14, 2014 - October 16, 2014. In Proceedings of the SPIE; 2014; Vol. 9263, p. Ministry of Earth Sciences; National Aeronautics (EI)
  16. 刘培、杜培军、谭坤。一种基于集成学习和特征融合的遥感影像分类新方法。红外与毫米波学报,2014,3,33.p311-318。(SCI 检索 UT WOS:000338812800018,EI检索: Accession number:20143017975449)
  17. Peijun Du, Pei Liu, Junshi Xia, etc. Remote Sensing image interpretation for urban environment analysis: Methods, system and examples. MDPI Remote sensing, 2014.6(10): 9458-9474. (SCI 检索 WOS:000344458000015)
  18. Pei Liu, Ruimei Han, Shuangting Wang. Monitoring, Analyzing and simulating of spatial-temporal changes of landscape pattern over mining area. Asia-Pacific Remote Sensing, APRS, China, Beijing, 13th-18th, October, 2014 (EI Compendex, Accession number: 20153001072766)
  19. Peijun Du, Sicong Liu, Pei Liu, Kun Tan, Liang Cheng,Sub-Pixel Change Detection for Urban Land Cover Analysis via Multitemporal Remote Sensing Images.Geo-spatial Information Scence, 2013
  20. Pei Liu, Peijun Du, Paolo Gamba. Urban spatial and temporal changes analysis based on spectral, polarimetric, temporal, spatial dimensions and decision level fusion. 1st EARSel Workshop on temporal analysis of satellite images, Mykonos, Greece, 24th-25th May, 2012.
  21. P. Liu, P. Gamba, P. J. Du. Comparative analysis of ALOS passive and active data for building area detection. Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), Munich, Germany, 22th -27th, July, 2012 (EI Compendex:Accession number: 20130615991504).
  22. Liu Pei, Du Peijun, Pang Yunfeng. Analysis and simulation of land cover and thermal environment in mining area based on remote sensing data and CA_Markov model. Journal of China coal society.2012,11,pp.1847-1855 (EI Compendex: Accession number: 20130215895420)
  23. 刘培,杜培军,逄云峰。基于遥感和 CA_MARKOV 模型的煤矿区热环境与土地覆盖变化模拟评价。煤炭学报,2012, 37(11):1847-1854 (EI Compendex检索, Accession number: 20130215895420 EI核心收录 20130215895420)
  24. Paolo Gamba, Pei Liu, Peijun Du*, Hui Lin., Evaluation and analysis of fusion algorithms for active and passive remote sensing image, Geoscience and remote sensing symposium (IGARSS), 2272-2275, Munich, 2012.07.22-25 (EI Compendex:Accession number: 20130615990612).
  25. Paolo Gamba, G. Lisini, Pei Liu, P. J. Du, H. Lin. Urban climate zone detection and discrimination using object-based analysis of VHR scenes. Proceedings of the 4th GEOBIA, May 7-9, 2012. Rio de Janeiro-Brazil.p.070
  26. 林卉, 刘培,杜培军,夏俊士。基于改进型统计区域增长的遥感图像分割,计算机工程与应用,2012,18(48),159-163
  27. 林卉, 戴济平, 李魏, 刘培, 夏俊士,基于模糊支持向量机分类的土地利用时空演变研究,测绘通报,2012, 5: 17-21
  28. 杜培军,单丹丹,夏俊士,刘培.北京一号小卫星数据的城市景观格局监测分析-以徐州市为例[J].地球信息科学学报,2010,12(6):855-862
  29. 林卉, 刘培,夏俊士,梁亮. 基于分水岭变换的遥感影像面向对象多尺度分割算法研究,测绘通报,2011,10,p17-20.
  30. Lin Hui, Liu Pei, Xia Junshi, Sun Huasheng, Tan Kun, Ding Shuwei. Research on technology for land use map renewal and database construction. Proceedings of ICEE2011(EI Compendex:Accession number: 20120914816378)
  31. Lin Hui, Du Peijun, Liu Pei, Zhang Lianpeng, Sun Huasheng. Spatial-temporal Analysis of Land Use Change in County Level Based on Remote Sensing. Geoinformatic 2010. Beijing 2010, 8 (EI Compendex:Accession number: 20104313318800).
  32. Xia, Junshi; Du, Peijun; Liu, Pei; Shan, Dandan; Ban, Yifang. Quantifying spatio-temporal change of urban land cover/use and landscape pattern using BJ-1 and CBERS remote sensing images: A case study of Shanghai. Proceedings of the Symposium - Dragon 2 Programme Mid-Term Results 2008 – 2010. European Space Agency, (Special Publication) ESA SP v 684 (EI Accession number: 20110713661394)
  33. Liu Pei, Du Peijun, Cao Wen, Xia Junshi. Evaluation of Urban Heat Environment Using Multi-algorithm and Multi-scale Images. 2009 Urban Remote Sensing Joint Event. IEEE Press.
  34. Peijun Du, Pei Liu, Huapeng Zhang, Hairong Zhang. Multi-objective Processing of ASTER Image for Urban Environmental Analysis. Proceedings of the 27th International Geosciences, 2007 , Page(s): 675-678
  35. 刘培,杜培军,赵卫常,张华鹏.基于多时相遥感影像分析城市土地利用/覆盖变化与热环境演变. 水土保持通报,2009,29, 1:45-50(CSCD 核心)
  36. Du Peijun, Liu Pei, Luo Yan et al. Urban Thermal Environment Simulation and Prediction Based on Remote Sensing and GIS. 2009 IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGASS 2009), Cape Town, South Africa, July 12-17, 2009,IEEE Press (EI Inspec).
  37. 夏俊士,杜培军,张海荣,刘培.基于遥感数据的城市地表温度与土地覆盖定量研究.遥感技术与应用,2009,25(1):15-25
  38. Peijun Du, Chunhua Wu, Jianzhong Pei, Hongjun Jing, Wen Cao, Pei Liu. Monitoring land cover and landscape pattern change along highway corridor using multi-temperal remotely sensed data. Intenation Workshop for GIS Transportation. Wuhan 2009, 12.
  39. Huapeng Zhang, Peijun Du, Yan Luo, Pei Liu. Analysis of Relationship between Urban thermal pattern and Land use/Land cover –Taking Xuzhou City as an Example, 2008 Proceedings of Information Technology and Environment System Sciences. 2008.Vol.3, P1058-1062. (ISTP)
  40. Peijun Du, Pei Liu, Huapeng Zhang, Hairong Zhang. Multi-objective Processing of ASTER Image for Urban Environmental Analysis. Proceedings of the 27th International Geosciences and Remote Sensing Symposium. Barcelona, Spain. 22-27 July, 2007 (EI Inspec)
  41. 王光彦,刘培.基于遥感图像的城镇用地信息提取方法研究.水土保持通报,2007,(27),3:121-125 (CSCD 核心)
  42. Peijun Du, Huapeng Zhang, Pei Liu, Kun Tan and Zuoxia Yin. Land Use/Cover Change in Mining Areas Using Multi-source Remotely Sensed Imagery. Proceedings of the 4th international workshop on multiple temporal remote sensing information processing. Luven, Belgium. 17-21 July, 2007 (EI Compendex).
  43. Du Peijun, Zhang Huapeng, Pan Chen, Liu Pei. Applications of Multi-source Remote Sensing Information to Urban Environment Monitoring in Mining Industrial Cities –Taking Xuzhou City as an Example. Proceedings of the Urban Remote Sensing Joint Event 2007. Paris, France. 10-13 April, 2007 (Inspec).
  44. Peijun Du, Huapeng Zhang, Linshan Yuan. Pei Liu, Hairong Zhang; Comparison of Vegetation Index from ASTER, CBERS and Landsat ETM+. IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 2007. pp.3341 – 3344(EI:Inspec)


  1. 基于半监督随机森林的城市地表覆盖主被动遥感数据协同分类研究,41601450,2017-2019,国家自然科学基金,(主持)
  2. 基于非朗伯前向模型的MODIS 陆地上空气溶胶遥感反演研究,41401403,2015-2017,国家自然科学基金,(第3)
  3. 基于复合超像素稀疏特征计算的图像分割方法研究,64602157,2017-2019,(第5)
  4. 基于地表-大气逐次解耦的陆地上空气溶胶偏振反演研究,41601392,2017-2019,(第5)
  5. 基于车载LiDAR 数据的建筑物灾情应急测量关键技术研究, 41001304,2012-2014,(第7)
  6. 主被动遥感信息协同的城市地表信息提取关键技术, 182102310860,2019-2021,河南省科技攻关项目,(主持)
  7. 基于遥感和GIS 的焦作绿地系统生态效应与格局分析, 16A420004,2016-2018,河南省教育厅重点科研项目,(主持)
  8. 基于特征融合和集成学习的主被动遥感数据协同处理方法研究, NSFRF140113,2015-2017,河南理工大学专项科研基金,(主持)
  9. 无人机载SAR 数据采集系统设计与研制,13150090,2015-2018,河南省基础与前沿,(第3)
  10. 基于特征融合和集成学习的遥感数据协同处理研究, B2015-20,2016-2019,河南理工大学博士基金,(主持)
  11. 矿区复杂环境下SAR 与光学遥感协同地表监测关键技术及应用,B201-20,2014-2016,河南省科技厅鉴定9412016Y1848,(主持)
  12. 基于无人机载SAR 数据融合的地物信息自动提取技术研究, Q2015-3,2015-2016,河南理工大学青年基金,(第2)
  13. 中原城市区主要城市空间发展特征、演变过程及对构建中原城市群的影响研究, 2014235,2014-2015,河南省政府决策课题招标课题,(第4)
  14. 高精度偏振扫描仪数据处理关键技术研究,12160028,2016-2017,中国资源卫星应用中心-横向课题,(第4)
  15. GF7 多光谱传感器气溶胶反演与参数真实性检验研究,H18-224,2018-2019,中科院合肥物质科学研究院-横向课题,(第4)
  16. 测绘地理信息公益性行业科研专项经费项目“新一代多平台多波段移动信息采集系统研制”(项目号:201412020),2014-2016,(第7)
  17. chunyang , zhangyuan,guo,heRong,chunYi, Zhao suxia
    Special funding projects of Mapping and Geographic Information Nonprofit research of “The new generation of multi-platform, multi-band informaiton collection system” (201412020)
  • 江苏省自然科学基金(BK2010182),基于主被动遥感信息协同处理的江苏滨海湿地动态监测与时空分析,9万元,参与
  • 高光谱遥感影像自适应多分类器集成关键技术研究,国家自然科学基金项目,编号40871195,2009-2011,参与
  • 矿山复杂地表环境下地物信息自动提取与目标识别的若干关键技术. 国家863高技术计划资助项目,编号2007AA12Z162, 2007-2009, 参与
  • 应用遥感影像评价中国煤矿区土地利用/覆盖变化和环境影响(Assessing Land Use / Cover Change and Related Environmental Impacts via Remotely Sensed Imagery in Coal Mining Areas in China),中英高校科研合作项目,2008,参与


  1. 河南省信息技术教育优秀成果奖, 河南省教育厅,2016.08,(第1)
  2. 科技成果奖面,向矿区地表监测的遥感技术(豫教2017-3981), 河南省教育厅,2017.05,(第1)
  3. 河南省国防科学技术进步奖(2017-HNGF-2033), 河南省国防科学技术工业局, 2017.10,(第1)
  4. 科技成果奖“乡镇多规合一”关键技术研究(豫教2017-3979), 河南省教育厅,2017.05,(第10)
  5. 年度专业技术岗位考核优秀, 2017.12
  6. 面向矿区地表环境监测的光学与雷达遥感,三等奖,中国煤炭工业技术协会, 2017.12,(第1)
  7. 河南省第四届自然科学学术奖-鄂尔多斯水土保持, 河南省人力资源和社会保障厅& 河南省科学技术协会,2018.01,(第2)
  8. 河南省第四届自然科学学术奖-SCAR, 河南省人力资源和社会保障厅& 河南省科学技术协会,2018.01,(第1)
  • herong


  1. 矿山地表信息自动提取系统, 登记号2015SR018314(第1)
  2. 雷达数据与光学数据融合系统, 登记号2015SR186511(第1
  3. 无人机载SAR 数据噪声去除系统, 登记号2015SR186303(第1)
  4. 高空间分辨率遥感影像融合评价系统, 登记号2016SR259268(第1)
  5. 高分辨率雷达影像建筑提取系统, 登记号2016SR259701(第1)
  6. 基于纹理分割融合的雷达遥感影像人工建筑识别算法, 受理号201510285547.5(第1)
  7. 三维激光扫描仪平缓地形分区扫描方法, 发明号201410188760.X, 批准号CN104729464A(第5))